435 772-0992

Town Council Agendas

Notices and Agendas



 Notice is hereby given that the Town of Rockville has received a Request For Disconnection under Section 10-2-501 of the Utah State Code for multiple parcels from the Town’s boundary.  The area proposed for disconnection is identified as being within Section 13 Township: 42 S Range: 11 W, and consists of 65 parcels.  Publication is required to be made for three (3) weeks, following which Notice of Public Hearing on the matter will be posted.  If you have questions concerning this matter, contact the Rockville Town Office at rockville@rockvilleutah.org or 435-772-0992.

Vicki S. Bell
Town Clerk

Posted 07-25-2024

Rockville Town Council
Regular Meeting
Rockville Town Hall
July 10, 2024 – 6:00 pm

The Rockville Town Council will hold their regular meeting on Wednesday the 10th day of July 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the Rockville Community Center Town Hall, 43 E. Main, Rockville, Utah.

The agenda will be as follows:

Call to Order

  1. Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Declaration of conflict of interest with an agenda item.

Public Comment: The Public Comment period provides an opportunity to address the Mayor and Town Council regarding concerns or ideas about the Town which the Council may choose to address at a later date. Public Comments pertaining to an agenda item will not be taken unless that agenda item includes a public hearing where public input should be given as that item is being discussed during the meeting. Members of the public will be given a limit of two (2) minutes per person. The Council will not respond to comments or questions but will take the comments under consideration for possible discussion at another time.Rules for making comments:1.   You must be a resident or property owner of the Town of Rockville.2.   PUBLIC COMMENT SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED ON ANY AGENDA ITEM OR PENDING LAND USE APPLICATION.3.   Comments should relate to Town business.4.   Speakers shall be courteous and show respect. Comments shall not include obscene or profane language, nor contain attacks on any individual.  Such actions will be grounds for removal from meeting upon request by a Town Council member.Written comments may be submitted anytime to the Town Clerk at PO Box 630206, Rockville, UT 84763 or rockville@rockvilleutah.org.  Written comments will be published on the Town’s website the Friday prior to the Town Council meeting.

Discussion/Information/Non-action Items

  1. Report on Hurricane Valley Fire Special Service District – Pam Leach
  2. Draft Report on Ground Water Quality and Septic System Density Study-Trevor Schlossnagle – NOTE  The Planning Commission Members have been invited to attend.

Administrative Action Items

  1. Discussion and Action on Resolution No. 24-0710-01 A Resolution to Approve Amendments to the Rockville Application Requirements Checklists.
  1. Approval of the minutes of the June 12, 2024, Public Hearing and Regular Meeting.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the June 24, 2024 Special Meeting.
  3. Approval of expenditures for the month of June 2024.
  4. Approval of the June 2024 financial statements.

Administrative Non-Action Items

  1. Mayor and Council Member Reports

                  Mayor Pam Leach
Michael Evenson
Robin Smith
Megan Honer-Orton
Jeff Ballard

  1. Staff Report as needed.



Shelley D. Cox,
Town Clerk


THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL TOWN MEETINGS.  If you need special accommodation to participate in Town Meetings, please call the Town Clerk, Shelley D. Cox, at 772-0992 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.